Sunday, May 24, 2009

Benefit Concert a Resounding Success!!!

The Bluegrass Benefit Concert held on Saturday, May 23 for the Warren G. Lineberry Memorial Park brought in hundreds of guests and thousands of dollars to help build our town park. Everyone had a wonderful time listening to our four local bands who generously offered their outstanding talents. Here are some of the photos. Special thanks to the bands, to Betty and Grey Lineberry, to all the members of Partnership For Floyd and to all of our terrific Floydians who came out to support the park.
(photos by Jane Cundiff)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Working on the Warren G. Lineberry Memorial Park

Work has begun in earnest!
The brush & briars have been cut from the edges. The huge pile of dirt has been moved into low areas to level the land. Rocks and debris have been raked away by hand and tractor. Seed, fertilizer and hay has been sown.
All of this work has been done with volunteer labor, donations from the community and some money from the Floyd town council. Special thanks to Grey Lineberry (son of the park namesake) who has brought his own tractor and equipment and worked in freezing rain to get the park going. Also thanks to Mike Maslaney who is always hard at work to do what it takes.
Above are some pictures of the work in progress.